COP1703 December

No middle ground on central issues at COP17 in Durban

Sergio Abranches

As the first segment of COP17 comes to an inconclusive closing, negotiators are adding the bits and pieces coming out of their talks to figure out where they stand. They are working to narrow down the options to be presented to the ministers for further deliberation during the political segment, starting on Monday. More »

COP1702 December

Europe’s idea of a Durban mandate to draft a new deal

Sergio Abranches, from Durban

Negotiators for the European Union have been trying hard to ensure COP17 parties that the proposal for a pathway towards a new legally binding agreement is not an attempt to evade responsibilities nor to reduce the level of ambition regarding emissions reductions. More »

COP1702 December

Walking a steep path towards a fair deal in Durban at COP17

Sergio Abranches, from Durban

After a Thursday of rumors and very few press briefings, the technical segment of COP17 closes today with no clear outlines of a deal. A delegate said negotiators feel like walking a minefield with parties holding to incompatible bottom-line positions. Several key negotiators said yesterday that a relatively good package deal is likely to be approved, but they can’t foresee what it may contain. More »

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COP1701 December

Why there can be a deadlock when there is a balanced and fair solution on the table?

Sergio Abranches, from Durban

A question people frequently ask me is why even when it looks as all countries negotiating a global climate regime say they want a good solution at a COP (Convention of the Parties), and they seem to make quite similar proposals, the talks end in a logjam? More »